Day #8.1

LESSON #4 – Day and Time

Inserting Time and Actions into Sentences

Particle ‘ni | に’ is used to describe the period of time that action is taking place. It’s kinda an equivalent to “at”, “on” and “in” when compared to English – “at what time”, “on what day”, “on Christmas day”, “in the morning”.

(Lesson #4 action words/ verbs can be found under the “Vocabulary” section)


[present tense]

What time do you wake up everyday? | Mainichi okimasu ka? | まいにち おきます か

What time does Japanese class start? | Nihongo no kurasu wa nanji ni hajimarimasu ka? | のほんご の くらす は なじ に はじまります か。

[past tense]

What time did you wake up this morning? | Kasa ni okimashita ka? | かさ に おきました か。

LESSON #5 – Birthday 


[present tense]

When is your birthday? | Tanjobi wa nan gatsu nan nichi desu ka? | たんじょび は なん がつ なん にち です か。


When is your birthday? | Tanjobi wa itsu desu ka? | たんじょび は いつ です か。


[present tense]

My birthday is 20 December. | Watashi no tanjobi wa juni gatsu hatsuka desu. | わたし の たんじょび わ じゅうに がつ はつか です。

(Dates and months can be found under the Vocabulary Section)

LESSON #5 – Together with Someone

To add an action taken place with someone else, use ‘to isshoni’ which means “together with”. Phrasing and structuring a sentence: Time Period + Person + *to isshoni + Place + *particle e + Verb/ Action = Kyo + tomodachi + to isshoni + gakko + ekimasu

*The word ‘isshoni’ can be omitted if the word “together” is not needed. See Question below.


[present tense]

Who are you going home with today? | Kyo dare to uchi e kaerimasu ka? | きょう だれと うちへ かえりますか。


[present tense]

I go back home together with my friend today. | Kyo tomodachi to isshoni uchi e kaerimasu. | きょう ともだち と いっしょに うち へ かえります。

I go to school alone. | Hitori de gakko e ikimasu. | ひとりで がっこう へ いきます。

*Next Lesson – Going somewhere with someone by some form of transportation

(Vocabulary for People can be found under the Vocab Tab)

Day #6.2


What kind of ramen do you like? | Donna ramen ga suki desu ka? | どんな ラーメンが すきですか。


Present Tense

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Past Tense

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Did you study yesterday? | Kinou benkyoushimashita ka? | きのう べんきょうしました か。

–  –  –  –  –  –  –  Hai, benkyoushimashita. | はい、べんきょうしました。

–  –  –  –  –  –  –  Ie, benkyoushimasen deshita. |  いいえ、べんきょうしません でした。